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My former position at the University of Virginia afforded me the opportunity to devote a small proportion of my time to work with other agencies, organziations, and individuals. As a retiree, I have much greater flexibility. Here are notes about some of the areas in which I work:

  • In addition to working directly with schools and school teachers, I have had the opportunity to speak in many parts of the US and other countries about education, especially research and educational practices affecting students with problems such as Learning Disabilities and Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. I focus primarily on evidence-based practices: How can educators tell whether practices are likely to be helpful? What practices have been shown to be helpful? What does it take to implement effective practices?
  • I have also consulted and served as an expert witness on behalf of children and youths with disabilities. My focus in this capacity has been to report on whether these individuals—especially those with Learning Disabilities and Emotional and Behavioral Disorders—are receiving appropriate and legally required services.
  • Beyond my work in education, I have provided assistance to people concerned with using technology for educational ends. In this area, I have consulted with groups and individuals about such matters as developing Web communications.
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Contact: John [at] JohnWillsLloyd [dot] com

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